

  • Personalized diets

  • Food Allergies and Intolerances

  • Gut Dysbiosis and Microbiota Analysis

  • Dietetics for children and adolescents

  • Pregnancy Program (0 – 9 months)

  • Bioimpedance analysis

  • Abdominal fat reduction

  • Increasing muscle mass

  • Testosterone-specific program

Dr. Gherardini
Dr. Gherardini Laura - Biologist Nutritionist

Graduated in 1995 with a degree in Biological Sciences with a focus on Biomolecular Science.
Refined my studies on nutrition by working as a consultant in hygienic safety and production quality at companies in the food market, both through courses and masters in higher nutrition and dietetics.
Developed self-control plans (HACCP) for important catering companies in the Triveneto region.
He not only addresses people with weight problems, but also those who like to learn how to eat better and balance their daily diet correctly.
He also works with public and private entities, companies and associations providing consulting services, training and diet plans.

Dr. Mognetti Chiara
Dr. Mognetti Chiara

She creates personalized dietary plans, which take into account the health, lifestyle and taste needs of the person. The dietary path focuses on nutrition education, dictated by the National Guidelines for Healthy Eating, combined with a path of re-education of eating behavior, made up of listening to and becoming aware of hunger and satiety signals, respectful of the environment and the person’s tastes and culture.

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