

  • Endocrinological examination

  • Andrological examination

  • Thyroid ultrasound

Dr. Schiesaro
Dr. Schiesaro Mauro Giovanni - Specialist in Endocrinology

1991: Bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery at the University of Padua.
1996: Specialization in Endocrinology and Exchange Diseases at the University of Padua.
2002: Ph.D. in Endocrine Sciences at the University of Padua.
2008: Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Andrology at the University of Padua.
2019: University Master’s Degree Level II in “Pituitary and Adrenal Diseases” at the University of Padua.
From 2011 to 2015: Director of the UOC of Internal Medicine of Bussolengo and Villafranca Hospitals in Verona, Acting Director of the UOC of Geriatrics of Bussolengo Hospital, Acting Director of the UOC of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Villafranca Hospitals in Verona and Malcesine.
From 2015 to present: Director UO General Medicine of Villa Salus Hospital in Mestre, Director also of the Medical-Rehabilitation Department of the same hospital
Member of AME (Association of Medical Endocrinologists), where he held the following positions:
Regional contact person for Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige
National Secretary
Responsible for granting sponsorships
Andrology Commission Coordinator.
AME slow committee member
Author of more than 80 scientific publications.
Speaker or Moderator in more than 100 National and International Congresses.

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