Aesthetic Medicine

Performance and Technology:


Treatment that via needle into the dermis delivers active ingredients that in various ways stimulate the production of the fundamental proteins of the skin namely: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

Especially indicated for thin skin, it is a treatment that can tone the face deep down by smoothing wrinkles and preventing blemishes on the face, hands, neck, décolleté and inner arms.


Non-invasive medical treatment of fat tissue reduction using low-frequency ultrasound that through a handpiece is able to “implode” and partially eliminate the fat cells in the treated area.

The heat that is given off also has a beneficial effect on the collagen fibers of the dermis, which contracts, compacts, and generates newly formed collagen .

Therefore, in addition to a reduction in centimeters we also witness a relaxation and toning of the skin on the surface.


Administration of CO2 into tissues using a needle.
Derived from observation from the beneficial effects of thermal therapies, already known since the early 1900s.

CO2 injection causes improved tissue oxygenation, promotes blood microcirculation and elimination of waste products of tissue metabolism.

For this reason it is used to improve the circulation of the lower limbs and the treatment of cellulite also for localization to the arms, and as a revitalizer of the face and especially the eyelids


Resorbable wires made of polydioxanone, a material used for many years in cardiac surgery.
They have a lifting effect due to the technique of introducing the wires through a needle, which must create a lattice in the dermis.

After a few months they are reabsorbed and replaced by “collagen cords”


They are injectable products, used to fill wrinkles, cheekbones, lips, chin and forehead.
They are more or less crosslinked hyaluronic acid, a technology that determines its molecular weight and thus the degree of “volume” we want to inject.

We can treat deep wrinkles, fine lines, lips…

Calcium hydroxyapatite is a filler that provides a lifting and revitalizing effect with redefinition of the oval of the face; where needed, it increases the volume of cheekbones and chin.

Fractional laser

Fractional CO2 laser produces tiny holes in the skin causing collagen fibers to stretch and produce new collagen.

Suitable for treating superficial wrinkles and enlarged pores, acne and surgical scars, burns outcome, stretch marks.

Leaves small visible scabs and an erythema for a few days.
To be performed only in fall and winter

Pulsed light

This technology uses a xenon lamp and special optics to generate a light beam with integrated filter for the treatment of superficial vascular lesions (facial telangiectasias and diffuse redness)

Treatment to be performed only in autumn and winter and on untanned skin.


Hifu stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound and is a non-surgical facelift alternative.
It works by stimulating collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin and even reaching the top layer of muscle fascia.

It does not involve post-surgery.
It can be performed year-round with some precautions.

Diode laser

It uses a light source of 810 nm.
With high power, it allows joules to be reduced for the same effectiveness, protecting the skin and allowing treatment even for darker phototypes and lightly tanned skin.
Extremely effective on pigmented hair but also on lighter hair.

Neodimio Laser Yag

It is a vascular laser that, with the heat produced, is suitable for selectively removing capillaries and small, dark-colored telangiectasias of the face and lower extremities. To be performed in autumn and winter, it does not require dressings or bandages.

Q-switched laser

Used for the removal of skin spots, due to the selective 532 or 1064 wavelength that therefore spares the surrounding skin and is picked up by the increased melanin present in the spots themselves.

Exits a scab that disappears in about ten days, to be performed in autumn and winter


The only system that uses coolwaves, special microwaves that, conveyed by a handpiece, act on adipocyte volume to reduce localized deposits with the Deep handpiece and on reducing the orange peel appearance of cellulite with the shallow handpiece.
It has no recovery time and can be performed year-round.


Also referred to as a “plasma scalpel,” the treatment provides a nonsurgical facelift of eyelids, lower 1/3 face , neck , inner arms by vaporization of the skin that causes a “shortening” of the skin.

Leaves small scabs that heal in about a week.
To be performed in the fall and winter


RF is an electrical charge transfer system through the emission of electromagnetic current that generates heat.

The thermal effect causes vasodilation by improving blood circulation with increased oxygen supply.

The result is skin tone and radiance that create a lifting effect.

Radiofrequency with Micro-needles

It promotes skin rejuvenation through physical and mechanical synergy of fractional radiofrequency and needling that together can reactivate the process of new collagen formation.

Acts on wrinkles, enlarged pores, acne scarring, improvement of skin texture, lifting effect.

Suitable for face and body.

Minimal post-treatment discomfort.


Laser, ultrasound and radiofrequency: the combined action of these technologies destroys cellulite, reduces fat accumulation and sagging skin with a good draining effect.

With dedicated handpieces, it is suitable for body and facial treatments.

Red Touch Pro

The laser solution for regenerative medicine.

Thanks to its unique wavelength of 675 nm, it acts on collagen, melanin, and vascular by increasing the amount’ of collagen and reducing spots and capillaries.

Extreme tolerability and minimal postoperative recovery.

The best system for preventing and slowing down skin aging.

Suitable for face, neck, décolleté, inner arms, back of hands, inner thighs and epigastric area.

Dr. Bollati Alessandra
Dr. Bollati Alessandra - Specialist in Dermatology

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1991 and specialized in Dermatology in 1994 at the University of Pavia, Varese headquarters. She has developed over the years of her profession, both in Dermatology departments and in departments of other medical and surgical specialties, good organizational and management skills in multidisciplinary teams aimed at improving the diagnostic and care pathway for the patient.
She currently serves as an outpatient specialist physician at ASST Lariana, where she performs surgery for the field of skin oncology, outpatient for oncology follow-up and general dermatology.
She practices as a medical and surgical freelancer, dealing with skin cancer screening, dermatologic oncology, minor dermatologic surgery, dermatoscopy, corrective and cosmetic dermatology, pediatric dermatology; she performs occasional consultations for the management of parasitic diffusive-contagious diseases in communities.

Dr. Pizzolato Giuseppe
Dr. Pizzolato Giuseppe - Specialist in plastic surgery

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Padua and specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University of Trieste.
Level II University Master’s Degree in Oncoplastic Surgery of the Breast at the University of Trieste and Advanced Training Course in Management of Difficult Wounds at the Italian Academy Wound Care (IAWC).
He developed his expertise mainly in the field of breast, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, and in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery of the face and body reshaping.
He trained at Europe’s most prestigious breast surgery centers, the Nottingham Breast Institute (UK), the Institut du Sein in Paris (France), and the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (Belgium). He has also done training periods in Switzerland and Spain.
He has worked at the Veneto Oncology Institute in Padua and currently practices as Medical Director at the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the AULSS3 Serenissima in Venice.
Member of the Italian Society of Plastic Reconstructive-Regenerative and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE) and the General Medical Council (GMC) of the United Kingdom.

Dr. Rossi Ilaria
Dr. Rossi Ilaria - Aesthetic Physician

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1991, she is expert in Aesthetic Medicine – Laser Therapy.
Possiede un’a
wide experience in all application techniques of aesthetic medicine with the ultimate goal of the rejuvenation of the face and body.

Dr. Ruetta Fabbian Paola
Dr. Ruetta Fabbian Paola - Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology

Having graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Dermatology and Venereology, she served for about ten years at the Department of Dermatology of the Civil Hospital of Venice directed by Prof. Roberto Bassi.
She worked for Ulss 12 of Venice within the Public Hygiene Department at the Vaccination Office and the Dermoceltic Outpatient Clinic for the treatment and prophylaxis of sexually transmitted diseases.
She later dedicated herself full-time to freelance practice at her own practice, which she equipped with the latest technology in dermatological therapy and for aesthetic medicine.

In constant professional updating, in order to offer more and more specific skills and ranging in complementary fields, she has followed and follows in-depth studies in the fields of dermatology, laser therapy, aesthetic medicine and Anti-aging, involving the latter the lifestyle of each of us that more and more seems to condition the results of any medical treatment. She has also performed courses in hypnotic induction for the treatment of psychosomatic dermatological conditions and analgesia.

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