

  • Ultrasound investigations of the abdomen (upper, lower and complete), pelvis, musculoskeletal system, neck, intestinal loops and ultrasound of the superficial district (soft parts and abdominal wall)

  • Echo-Color Doppler of the Supra-Aortic Trunks

  • Testicular ultrasound and echodoppler scans

  • Arterial and venous ultrasound of the lower extremities

Dr. Cugini Christian - Specialist in Radiology
Dr. Cugini Christian - Specialist in Radiology
Director of Radiology at Ca’ Foncello and Head of Radiology at IRCSS San Camillo del Lido.
Graduated in Padua and Specialized in Verona with Highest Honors.
He worked 11 years at Ca’ Foncello in Treviso and then received appointment at Fondazione Villa Salus Radiology.
Expert in MRI of the abdomen and pelvic district (male and female), expert in multidistrict ultrasound (full abdomen, musculoskeletal, head-neck, testicular, and superficial soft parts), in echo-color-doppler diagnostics of the supra-aortic trunks and lower extremities both venous and arterial, and in all echo- and CT-guided diagnostics and interventional imaging.
The only one in the Triveneto region to deal with thyroid ablative treatments.

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