

  • Specialist dermatology examination for autoimmune skin diseases, venereal diseases, itchy and hives, eczema, psoriasis and parapsoriasis, erythema, seborrheic dermatitis face and scalp, dermatomycosis (skin fungus), hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), nail diseases

  • Pediatric dermatologic consultation

  • Nevi inspection and computerized videodermatoscopy (nevi mapping)

  • Patch Test

  • Culture test for bacteria and mycetes

  • Surgical nevi removal, removal of warts, cysts and pendulous fibroids

  • Treatment of acne, baldness, seborrheic keratoses, actinic keratoses, vitiligo and alopecia, ulcers and burns

Photodynamics / Day Light

It is a specific treatment for the treatment of actinic keratoses, precancerous lesions whose prevalent site is the face, scalp, hands, décolleté, and back due to overexposure to UV light.
It consists of the application to the damaged area of a photosensitizing cream based on methyl-5-aminolevulinate, which selectively penetrates the diseased cells and, through subsequent exposure to sunlight for 2 hours, causes their necrosis.
Scabs emerge that can be even larger than the present lesions as this therapy is able to “unearth “even keratoses that are not clinically appreciable.

CO2 laser

The ultimate surgical laser.
It works at a wavelength of 10600 nm corresponding to infrared.
Thanks to the precision in the combination of parameters, it is possible to remove skin neoformations that do not need histological examinations such as pendulous fibromas, seborrheic keratoses, warts, xanthelasmas, sebaceous nevi, condylomata… without scarring or dyschromic outcomes.
They result in scabs that heal without the need for dressing.
Recovery time is very short.

Videodermatoscopy computerized (nevi mapping)

Analysis using a high magnification camera that stores the image of nevi that need to be monitored over time with subsequent comparisons.
Also very suitable in monitoring nevi of childhood.

Trichological examination

Diagnostic examination that is performed with the videodermatoscope to analyze the scalp and monitor over time the progress of conditions such as androgenetic and areata alopecia and the effectiveness of any therapies.

Tricho Test

The TrichoTest™is a comprehensive genetic test for alopecia which allows for personalization and improved treatment efficacy. The test determines the DNA mutations that lead to alopecia by analysis of alterations in metabolic pathways, and is therefore indicated for those who want to know how much genetics influences the onset of alopecia. The Test is performed once in a lifetime as the genetic results remain unchanged.


Phototherapy at 311 nm is used to treat skin conditions that benefit from light such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, lichen, and prurigo nodularis.
Close sessions with increasing dose should be performed.


Application of a cryogen (liquid nitrogen) capable of creating a “cold burn” that necrotizes, in one or more sessions, superficial lesions such as warts, seborrheic keratoses, precancerosis. It results in a blister or scab that lasts a few days.

Dr. Bollati Alessandra
Dr. Bollati Alessandra - Specialist in Dermatology
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1991 and specialized in Dermatology in 1994 at the University of Pavia, Varese headquarters. She has developed over the years of her profession, both in Dermatology departments and in departments of other medical and surgical specialties, good organizational and management skills in multidisciplinary teams aimed at improving the diagnostic and care pathway for the patient.
She currently serves as an outpatient specialist physician at ASST Lariana, where she performs surgery for the field of skin oncology, outpatient for oncology follow-up and general dermatology.
She practices as a medical and surgical freelancer, dealing with skin cancer screening, dermatologic oncology, minor dermatologic surgery, dermatoscopy, corrective and cosmetic dermatology, pediatric dermatology; she performs occasional consultations for the management of parasitic diffusive-contagious diseases in communities.
Dr. Pizzolato Giuseppe
Dr. Curci Marco - Specialist in Dermatology
After graduating in Medicine with honors at the University of Modena in 1999 and specializing in Dermatology in 2003 at the same university, he practiced in the United Kingdom. He later moved to Rome, where at the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital he deepened his knowledge of Pediatric Dermatology, and then returned to Emilia where he practiced at the Dermatology of Sassuolo Hospital. In the meantime, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Dermosurgery and a Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Medicine, both at the University of Siena, then moved to Veneto for family reasons. He currently practices freelance in Venice at the Santa Marina Outpatient Clinic.
Dr. Dell'Antonia Massimo - Specialist in Dermatology

Specialist in dermatology and venereology with proven experience in ambulatory surgery and ability to diagnose and therapeutically manage all common dermatologic and venereologic diseases, including complex and biologic drug therapies. High interest in clinical research and scientific publication.

Dr. Ruetta Fabbian Paola
Dr. Ruetta Fabbian Paola - Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology

With a degree in Medicine and Surgery and specialization in Dermatology and Venereology, she served for about ten years at the Dermatology Department of the Civil Hospital of Venice directed by Prof. Roberto Bassi. She worked for Ulss 12 of Venice within the Public Hygiene Department at the Vaccination Office and the Dermoceltic Outpatient Clinic for the treatment and prophylaxis of sexually transmitted diseases. She later dedicated herself full-time to freelance practice at her office, which she equipped with the latest technology in dermatological therapy and for aesthetic medicine. In constant professional updating, in order to offer more and more specific skills and ranging in complementary areas, she has followed and follows in-depth studies in the fields of dermatology, laser therapy, aesthetic medicine and Anti-aging, involving the latter the lifestyle of each of us that more and more seems to condition the results of any medical treatment. She has also performed courses in hypnotic induction for the treatment of psychosomatic dermatological conditions and analgesia.

Dr. Vaccari Daniele - Specialist in Dermatology
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, he specialized in Dermatology and Venereology at the University of Padua. During his specialist training, he attended the dermatology clinic in Padua and the Veneto Oncology Institute (IOV), where he was able to deepen his knowledge inherent to the prevention of melanoma and other skin cancers and their dermatologic therapies, immunodermatology, inflammatory skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, skin allergology, acne-rosacea), sexually transmitted infectious diseases, dermatopathology and pediatric dermatology. He also attended the UOC of dermatology in Belluno at San Martino Hospital and the UOC of dermatology in Mestre and Venice at SS Giovanni e Paolo and dell’Angelo Hospitals devoted himself to the dermatosurgical field and ulcer management. He has collaborated with the LILT sections of Padua and Chioggia as part of melanoma prevention programs. He currently practices as an in-house outpatient specialist for ULSS 3 Serenissima at the Civil Hospital in Venice, the Hospital dell’Angelo in Mestre and District 1 – Giustinian in Venice. He has participated as a speaker in numerous conferences and seminars at the national level. He is the author of publications in national and international journals related to topics in the field. He is a member of the Italian Society of Medical, Surgical, Aesthetic and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Dermatology, the Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology, the Italian Society of Professional and Environmental Allergology Dermatology, and the Italian Association of Hospital Venereology Dermatologists.

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