Breast Surgery


  • Breast surgical examination

  • Small outpatient surgeries

Dr. Mpungu Fabrizio - Specialist in Surgery
Dr. Mpungu Fabrizio - Specialist in Surgery

A specialist in General Surgery, he is medical director at the Senologic Surgery Unit of Fondazione Villa Salus in Mestre, directed by Dr. Fernando Bozza, where he treats benign and malignant breast pathology.
Trained in breast surgery at the Istituto Oncologico Veneto in Padua, Italy, he spent a semester of advanced training in breast oncoplastic surgery at the Institut du Sein in Paris.
In addition, he deepened her knowledge in the field of senology by attending Harvard Medical School in Boston-for his dissertation-and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York (International Observership Program).
He is currently enrolled in the Master’s program in breast ultrasound of the Italian School of Senology.
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