

  • Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

  • Cupping

  • Moxibustion

  • Aculifting

Dr. Bandino
Dr. Carlo Barbieri - Specialist in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

After graduating from the University of Verona with a degree in Western medicine, he felt the need for a medical practice that embraced mind and body, nature and man in a unicum. In the balance between all parts deep well-being is found. He never thought he would find it in an old pagoda refurbished as a day hospital in a Beijing suburb. Since then he has never had any doubts: he has always devoted himself with passion and commitment to Chinese medicine and the study of its applications, spending long periods of learning and practice in China. In order to be able to offer his patients holistic knowledge-millennia old and yet increasingly relevant-that takes care of the whole individual, with immediate and lasting benefits, because he works on the deeper cause of problems, not just removing symptoms. Most importantly, without side effects or invasive practices.

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